Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 21 - Ouray, CO (Day 3)

*Posted on Tuesday, September 3*

We were greeted by another sunny morning ... following what seems to be daily, afternoon showers.

The campground is really clearing out now.  We're the only one left in our section.  This has been a delightful place to stay.  It's a bit rustic and can't provide some services (like cable TV, antenna TV reception, usable internet), but everything else is topnotch.  The staff is friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.

We had an excellent breakfast at their Creekside Cafe.  This is the last day they are serving this season.  We met a young man from Tennessee who is preparing for a marathon run over the pass to Telluride and a young couple who work on a Navajo reservation.  We also greeted a Cal graduate and wished him well on September 14th (when they play Ohio State).  It's such fun to meet people from all over.
Site #5 was private today
Office and camp store
They have Tee-Pees
And Kabins
And even a hot tub

Ridgway Rodeo:
The rodeo starts at 1:00pm.  We're hopeful the afternoon showers will take a rest today.

We arrived at noon and watched the preparations.  Riders trotted, galloped and practiced with lassos.  The opening ceremonies lasted 20-25 minutes.  The royal family of the rodeo queen and her attendants formed quite an entourage.
Opening ceremony
The rodeo queen - Brynne Skalla
A rodeo princess joins the action
This is how they advertise

We didn't know how rodeos work.  There was an older couple behind us who explained how each event was performed and judged.

Normal Events:

  • Bareback Bronc Riding
  • Steer Wrestling
  • Tie-Down Roping
  • Breakaway
  • Saddle Bronc Riding
  • Mixed Team Roping
  • Team Roping
  • Ladies Barrel Racing
  • Bull Riding
Extra Events:
They also held Steer Packing, Rescue Race, Relay Race and Children's Horsey Race competition.
Bareback Bronc Riding
Steer Packing
They had to rope a steer and pack the steer.
The pack had to stay on after the steer was released.
Team Roping
One rider (the header) ropes the head
The other rider (the heeler) ropes both rear hoofs
... sometimes
They had Mixed Team Roping, too
Rescue Race
The ride had to race to a barrel, pick up
another rider and return to the start
Ladies Barrel Race
This was the most popular event.
Professionals and local amateurs participated. 
Bull Riding
This rider stayed on long enough,
but he'll be sore tomorrow
Some Other Scenes:
Children's Horsey Race
There were lots of cowboy hats
Some even looked like cowboys
The family sitting in front of us had an
adorable new puppy
Courthouse Mountain in the distance

This was a fun experience and the rain didn't dampen it.  However, the clouds were building as the rodeo ended.
They let the wild horses run in the arena
at the end of the rodeo

We drove home under threatening clouds.  The rain held off long enough for us to grill some hot dogs.  The shower lasted about 30 minutes.  We enjoyed dinner dry and warm in our little metal home.

We ended the day by watching "Parental Guidance" with Billy Crystal and Bette Midler.

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